Barry Dickman

Mr. Dickman has over thirty years experience in
high-technology industries.
Prior to founding Quantum Technology Partners,
Barry was President and CEO of Lightscape Technologies, a leader in
3D graphics visualization software, which was acquired by Discreet
Logic. Mr. Dickman previously held executive management positions
at Autodesk, and Exxon Enterprises. Barry was cofounder and CEO of
Cornerstone Imaging (NASDAQ:CRNR) which was acquired by Captiva (NASDAQ:CPTV) and
Image Automation which was acquired by ExxonMobil (NYSE:XOM).
Mr. Dickman has consulted to major corporations
including News Corp, HBO, DEC, Eastman Kodak and Adobe Systems.
Barry received his B.S. degree in Information
and Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology |